

    福建自考網(wǎng)> 試題題庫列表頁> Most students enjoyed Mrs. Johnson’s class. ( )


    卷面總分:100分     試卷年份:2021年4月    是否有答案:    作答時間: 120分鐘   

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    Most students enjoyed Mrs. Johnsons class. ( )

    • A、True

    • B、False

    • C、Not Given 

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    How to be Polite

    Respecting the emotions and feelings of people interacting with you through your considerate behaviour is a form of politeness. It is considered as an essential soft skill that can open new doors for you. Here are some qualities you can learn.

    1. If you are looking for ways to be polite you need to use appropriate language while interacting with others. Do not think that only the people who are social, financially or professionally superior to you deserve your politeness.

    2. Gossip is a form of negative inputs that can disturb the existing atmosphere. Both personal life and professional work-front are hubs of gossip and it is human nature to listen attentively and then offer opinions. If you are looking for ways to be polite then you need to stay away from gossip. Telling tales or even just listening to them makes you a party to it.

    3. Do not appoint yourself as judge and jury because you are unaware of the circumstances that other people are going through. It is quite easy to make snap judgements without acquiring all the facts and information.

    4. Humour is a very powerful weapon and must be used fittingly. It can cause serious harm if applied at the wrong time and during inappropriate situations. If you are looking for ways to be polite then recognise your boundaries. Remember that there is a place and time for humour. Try not to cause offence by your humour as the things you find humorous might not seem like it to others.

    5.A person who is polite will put others at ease in a gentle and calm manner. They do not believe in ruffling any feathers and will diffuse tense situations with a firm and appropriate hand. They will go out of their way to alleviate any discomfort or uncomfortable moment. If you are looking for ways to be polite then let the other person speak about himself.


    Task 1

    16. Paragraph①( )

    17. Paragraph②( )

    18. Paragraph③( )

    19. Paragraph④( )

    20. Paragraph⑤( )

    A: Polite people put others at ease

    B: Polite people use humour carefully

    C: Polite people do not judge others

    D: Polite people do not gossip or listen to it

    E: Polite people step forward

    F: Polite people use appropriate language


    Task 2

    21. is considered as an essential soft skill.

    22. should be used if you want to be polite.

    23. You should stay away from gossip because it can .

    24. Do not judge others because .

    25. A polite person will put others at ease .

    A: in a gentle and calm manner

    B: Politeness

    C: Appropriate language

    D: disturb the existing atmosphere

    E: you are unaware of the circumstances

    F: speak louder

    Mrs. Johnson used the same grading system as other teachers. ( )

    • A、True

    • B、False

    • C、Not Given 

    I got a high score for my first essay. ( )

    • A、True

    • B、False

    • C、Not Given 






